1 May 2017 Optical characterizations on surface-polished polycrystalline YAG fibers
Hyunjun Kim, Randall S. Hay, Sean A. McDaniel, Gary Cook, Nicholas G. Usechak, Augustine M. Urbas, HeeDong Lee, Randall G. Corns, Kathleen N. Shugart, Ali H. Kadhim, Dean P. Brown, Benjamin Griffin
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The superior thermal and optical properties of transparent polycrystalline ceramics make them attractive alternatives to glass-based materials for laser gain media. Fibers have other advantages of compactness, vibration-resistance, and reduced cooling requirements. Recently it was found that surface roughness caused by grain boundary grooving dominated optical scattering even though there were other scattering sources in the fiber. Therefore, a lot of effort went to fabrication of fibers with smooth surfaces. A mechanical polishing method for polycrystalline YAG fibers was developed. The fiber surface roughness was reduced, while maintaining a circular cross-section. Surface-polished 1.5% Ho-doped polycrystalline YAG fiber, 62 mm long with 31 μm diameter, was fabricated, and lasing was demonstrated from this fiber. Effects of surface-polishing on the surface roughness and scattering coefficient are presented, and lasing characteristics are discussed.
© (2017) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Hyunjun Kim, Randall S. Hay, Sean A. McDaniel, Gary Cook, Nicholas G. Usechak, Augustine M. Urbas, HeeDong Lee, Randall G. Corns, Kathleen N. Shugart, Ali H. Kadhim, Dean P. Brown, and Benjamin Griffin "Optical characterizations on surface-polished polycrystalline YAG fibers", Proc. SPIE 10192, Laser Technology for Defense and Security XIII, 101920B (1 May 2017); Logo
Cited by 3 scholarly publications.
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Optical fibers

YAG lasers

Surface finishing



Surface roughness

Fiber lasers


Benefits of ion milling ULE as compared to glass ceramics
Proceedings of SPIE (September 26 2013)
Crystal fibers for high power lasers
Proceedings of SPIE (February 26 2013)
UltraForm finishing
Proceedings of SPIE (May 18 2005)
Single crystal fibers for high power lasers
Proceedings of SPIE (November 08 2012)

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