Spectroscopic analysis of different biofluids and bodyfluid-like media has been realized by using tapered flat silver halide fiber elements as infrared biosensors. Optical stability and biocompatibility testing of the sensor elements have been performed with in-vitro samples under representative physiological conditions. After improving the reproducibility of manufacturing the sensor elements, the incoupling of radiation and the general handling including their chemical composition characterization, the fiber sensors were further optimized for the experiments. Stability tests in physiological solutions as well as porcine blood have shown that best results for biospectroscopic applications are available for the mid-IR fingerprint region, with the most stable behaviour as analyzed by the single-beam spectra. Despite several contrary reports, the silver halide material tested is toxic to cell lines chosen from the DIN standard specification for biocompatibility testing. Spectral changes as well as the results based on the DIN standard showed that pretreatment of the fibers is unavoidable to prevent direct contact of cells or human tissue and the silver halide material. Further applications of tapered flat silver halide fibers for the quantification of analytes in bodyfluids have also been tested by ensheathing the fiber-optic sensor element with a dialysis membrane. With the successfully produced prototype, results of diffusion rates and performance of a membrane-ensheathed fiber probe have been obtained. An invitro monitoring fiber sensor was developed aiming at the implantation of a microdialysis system for the analytical quantification of biomolecules such as glucose, lactate and others.