Currently, there is no SWIR camera that can detect a single photon above cryogenic temperatures. We present the latest results of our Electron Injection (EI) cameras, which show a clear path toward achieving such a formidable goal. We present a fundamental relation between the capacitance of EI injector and its sensitivity to photons, and show experimental results that strongly support it. We also demonstrate the weak temperature dependency of the EI detectors, which allows operation above cryogenic temperature and with compact thermoelectric coolers.
Many SWIR applications require stringent timing accuracy. We also present our latest results for ultra-fast SWIR modulators, as fast optical shutter, and their applications in time of flight (ToF) SWIR 3D imaging. Our results show 3D imaging at video rates, with an unprecedented depth resolution due to the low energy consumption in the modulator. Our measurements show our new SWIR modulators consume only ~1 femto-Joule/bit, and with a timing accuracy of ~4 pico-seconds.