6 February 2019 Precision manufacturing technology of axicon
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The axicon is a rotationally symmetrical optical element along the optical axis of the focal line, including concave shaft cone and convex shaft cone. It is widely used in laser beam shaping, laser drilling, optical detection, laser resonator and lithography illumination due to the property of long focal length and narrow transverse width. The axicon has only one optical axis, and the curvature radius of each point of the surface is different in the direction of the optical axis, that is, the line is a straight line, but the points of the adjacent bus are really circular torus, and the traditional equipment is difficult to polish. A new process suitable for axicon processing is proposed, including forming, traditional polishing, Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Processing for surface correction, flexible asphalt discs for smoothing. With it, the convergence of the polishing process is significantly improved, and the PV is decreases from 27λ to 3λ. There are two main factors that affect processing efficiency: temperature and gas flow rate. An analytical method is selected to estimate the complex interaction between the temperature field analysis and the polishing efficiency during the polishing process, and it is possible to achieve efficient and determined process.
© (2019) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Yanchao Zhang, Xueke Xu, Jun Cao, Fulin Wu, Aihuan Dun, and Jianda Shao "Precision manufacturing technology of axicon", Proc. SPIE 10842, 9th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Subdiffraction-limited Plasmonic Lithography and Innovative Manufacturing Technology, 1084212 (6 February 2019);
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Atmospheric plasma




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