Corning Glass Works has developed Polarcor, a high performance glass polarizer for the near infrared region of the spectrum. Products are available in custom and stock shapes covering the range 725 to 1700nm. Polarcor consists of a host glass containing elongated, submicroscopic silver crystals aligned along a common axis. These crystals preferentially absorb the polarization component of light aligned with the elongation axis of the particles. Polarcor polarizers are available in contrast ratios (k1 /k2) from 500 to 10,000, placing them in a performance class with birefringent crystal polarizers. Polarcor offers a broader bandwidth, higher transmittance, higher temperature resistance, better durability and increased contrast ratio when compared to plastic and wire grid polarizers. Acceptance angle, compactness (0.5-1mm thick) and cost are significantly better than cube polarizers. Applications include detectors, optical isolators, infrared sensors, fiber optic devices, and optical data storage devices.