18 December 2019 Design of medium solar simulator integrator
Danyi Wang, Shanping Jiang, Yanhong Xiang, Linhua Yang, Shaopu Wang
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Proceedings Volume 11341, AOPC 2019: Space Optics, Telescopes, and Instrumentation; 113410S (2019)
Event: Applied Optics and Photonics China (AOPC2019), 2019, Beijing, China
The solar simulator can accurately simulate the collimation, uniformity and spectral characteristics of solar radiation, and has high spatial heat flow simulation accuracy. It is mainly used for spacecraft thermal balance test, thermal coating property test and material aging test, which can effectively test the satellite's light irradiation and verify the thermal design of the spacecraft. The solar simulator's photoelectric conversion test using a solar simulator can improve the reliability of satellite operation. This paper introduces the successful solar simulator in recent years, expounds the main working principle of the solar simulator, and introduces the optical structure and basic working principle of the optical integrator of the key components in the solar simulator component. An optical integrator component of a solar simulator is designed, which is mainly applied to large and medium-sized solar simulators. By optimizing its design, the uniformity of illumination of the solar simulator can be effectively improved. The design is primarily analyzed in terms of optics, mechanics and cooling. First, the design and calculation of the structure and cooling are performed according to the optical design. Thermal analysis of the optical structure was performed by mechanical software, and simulation of a medium-sized solar simulator was performed using LIGHTTOOLS optical software. The results show that the integrator can make the radiation non-uniformity of the medium-sized solar simulator reach ±5%, which can effectively improve the performance of large and medium-sized solar simulators.
© (2019) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Danyi Wang, Shanping Jiang, Yanhong Xiang, Linhua Yang, and Shaopu Wang "Design of medium solar simulator integrator", Proc. SPIE 11341, AOPC 2019: Space Optics, Telescopes, and Instrumentation, 113410S (18 December 2019);
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Integrated optics

Solar energy

Channel projecting optics



Aerospace engineering

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