Presentation + Paper
25 June 2020 Progress with development of global gridded super-collated SST products from low Earth orbiting satellites (L3S-LEO) at NOAA
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In response to users’ needs, NOAA SST team is developing a multi-sensor gridded “super-collated” (L3S) SST product that consolidates “uncollated” L3U data from multiple polar sensors into reduced-volume high spatial resolution product, without adding modeled data. The algorithm uses VIIRS data from multiple NPP and N20 overpasses, to create a satellite-based reference, and use it to bias-correct individual overpasses, suppress the noise, and mitigate residual cloud leakages present in individual L3U data. We present the current status of VIIRS L3S product and results of its monitoring in the NOAA global and regional systems, and validation against in-situ data.
Conference Presentation
© (2020) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Olafur Jonasson, Irina Gladkova, Alexander Ignatov, and Yury Kihai "Progress with development of global gridded super-collated SST products from low Earth orbiting satellites (L3S-LEO) at NOAA", Proc. SPIE 11420, Ocean Sensing and Monitoring XII, 1142002 (25 June 2020);
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