20 September 2020 Achievement of an important milestone to realize the EUV-FEL high power light source for future lithograph
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An EUV-FEL is one of the promising candidates for the future high power EUV light source of more than 1 kW. While the design study on the FEL light source has been progressed, a most important milestone should be a real demonstration of the high repetition rate ERL-based FEL light production. In FY2019, a real Mid-Infrared FEL (MIR-FEL) project based on the compact ERL in KEK started and the beam commissioning was started from the beginning of March 2020. At the conference, the present results obtained from the MIR-FEL and the expected remained-study-works on future EUV-FEL will be presented.
Conference Presentation
© (2020) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Ryukou Kato, Hiroshi Sakai, Kimichika Tsuchiya, Yasunori Tanimoto, Yosuke Honda, Tsukasa Miyajima, Miho Shimada, Norio Nakamura, and Hiroshi Kawata "Achievement of an important milestone to realize the EUV-FEL high power light source for future lithograph", Proc. SPIE 11517, Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography 2020, 115170R (20 September 2020); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
Light sources

Free electron lasers

Extreme ultraviolet lithography


Photomask technology

Electron beams

Extreme ultraviolet


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