18 April 2021 Optical phase change measurements in X-ray/XUV irradiated semiconductors
Victor Tkachenko, Sven Toleikis, Vladimir Lipp, Beata Ziaja, Ulrich Teubner
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Measurement of transient optical properties (reflectivity and transmissivity) is frequently performed in X-ray/XUV pump – optical probe experiments. The optical properties reflect the transient state of irradiated materials. Here we propose to extend the material diagnostics with an additional measurement of the transient phase change of the optical probe pulse. It can be recorded in parallel to other transient optical properties, enabling an access to the information on the complex refractive index and the thickness of the radiation-modified material layer. The latter is necessary for investigations of phase transitions progressing in XUV (and X-ray) irradiated materials. In the talk, I present the results of a computational study of XUV irradiated silicon and diamond samples performed in [1]. It demonstrates that the measurement of the optical phase from a probe pulse at correctly tuned pulse parameters can provide a signal strong enough to extract information on transient material properties. Such phase measurement, feasible with modern experimental setups, can also be a basis for an improved diagnostics tool for the temporal characteristics of an ultrashort XUV pulse.
Conference Presentation
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Victor Tkachenko, Sven Toleikis, Vladimir Lipp, Beata Ziaja, and Ulrich Teubner "Optical phase change measurements in X-ray/XUV irradiated semiconductors", Proc. SPIE 11776, EUV and X-ray Optics, Sources, and Instrumentation, 117760T (18 April 2021);
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