Global Change Observation Mission-Climate (GCOM-C) was developed as a satellite following Global Change Observation Mission-Water (GCOM-W), and successfully launched on December 23, 2017. We learned from GCOM series satellites that our rigorous analysis of the components on both the satellites allowed us to develop them efficiently and to operate stably. GCOM-C has been operating stably even now, over three years after its launch. The Second-Generation Global Imager (SGLI) initial calibration and validation activities were completed and GCOM-C/SGLI products were publicly released in December 2018, currently we are preparing to release Ver.3. We ware plan twice updates (Ver.2 was updated on June 29, 2020. Ver.3 is preparing) to improve our products accuracy during 5-years mission period. In this report, we present about the status of GCOM-C operation after the launch including sensor calibration, SGLI products and data processing and providing.