Presentation + Paper
30 September 2022 Extremely broadband calibrated bolometers and microbolometer arrays for Earth radiation budget measurements
M. Stephens, C. S. Yung, N. A. Tomlin, D. Harber, C. Straatsma, A. Dan, E. Freire Antunes, P. Pilewskie, O. Coddington, J. H. Lehman
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The Earth radiation budget, a 40-year data record of the balance between solar radiation reaching the Earth and the amount reflected, and emitted from the Earth, is a key climate record for determining whether the Earth is warming or cooling. The need for accurate and cost-effective space-based measurements is driving the technology development of broadband bolometers and linear microbolometer arrays. We describe the performance of microfabricated bolometers and 1 x 32 linear microbolometer arrays developed for this purpose. To accurately measure the total outgoing radiation from 0.3 μm to over 100 μm, consisting of reflected shortwave solar radiation and emitted longwave thermal radiation, a vertically aligned carbon nanotube thermal absorber is incorporated with an electrical substitution heater that provides on-board calibration capabilities. A silicon nitride heat link is used to optimize response time while minimizing noise and the inequivalence between thermal and optical heating. The devices operate at room temperature with noise floors at nW/√Hz or lower at the measurement frequency of 7 Hz. Response times below 10 ms have been demonstrated in closed-loop operation using the electrical heater. Thin film Pt thermistors measure the change in microbolometer temperature. The deposition of the thin film thermistors has been optimized to maximize the temperature coefficient of resistance, which is key to meeting the demanding signal-to-noise requirement of this application.
Conference Presentation
© (2022) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
M. Stephens, C. S. Yung, N. A. Tomlin, D. Harber, C. Straatsma, A. Dan, E. Freire Antunes, P. Pilewskie, O. Coddington, and J. H. Lehman "Extremely broadband calibrated bolometers and microbolometer arrays for Earth radiation budget measurements", Proc. SPIE 12234, Infrared Sensors, Devices, and Applications XII, 1223403 (30 September 2022);
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Solar radiation


Thin films

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