Presentation + Paper
15 March 2023 Heralded spectroscopy: a new single-particle probe for nanocrystal photophysics
Gur Lubin, Ron Tenne, Arin Can Ulku, Ivan Michel Antolovic, Samuel Burri, Sean Karg, Venkata Jayasurya Yallapragada, Gili Yaniv, Miri Kazes, Daniel Amgar, Nadav Frenkel, Claudio Bruschini, Edoardo Charbon, Dan Oron
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Semiconductor nanocrystals feature multiply-excited states that display intriguing physics and significantly impact nanocrystal-based technologies. Fluorescence supplies a natural probe to investigate these states. Still, direct observation of multiexciton fluorescence has proved elusive to existing spectroscopy techniques. Heralded Spectroscopy is a new tool based on a breakthrough single-particle, single-photon, sub-nanosecond spectrometer that utilizes temporal photon correlations to isolate multiexciton emission. This proceedings paper introduces Heralded Spectroscopy and reviews some of the novel insights it uncovered into exciton–exciton interactions within single nanocrystals. These include weak exciton–exciton interactions and their correlation with quantum confinement, biexciton spectral diffusion, multiple biexciton species and biexciton emission polarization.
Conference Presentation
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Gur Lubin, Ron Tenne, Arin Can Ulku, Ivan Michel Antolovic, Samuel Burri, Sean Karg, Venkata Jayasurya Yallapragada, Gili Yaniv, Miri Kazes, Daniel Amgar, Nadav Frenkel, Claudio Bruschini, Edoardo Charbon, and Dan Oron "Heralded spectroscopy: a new single-particle probe for nanocrystal photophysics", Proc. SPIE 12386, Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Superresolution Imaging XVI, 1238603 (15 March 2023);
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Quantum correlations


Quantum dot emission

Single photon avalanche diodes

Detector arrays

Materials properties

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