Presentation + Paper
4 October 2023 Comparison of ABI INR using the operational and GRATDAT-generated L1B images
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The Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) sensor, which is on board the new generation of NOAA’s Geostationary Observational Environmental Satellites (GOES) R-series or GOES-R platforms, is of critical importance in weather forecasting and other environmental monitoring. The NOAA GOES-R Calibration Working Group (CWG) has developed an Image Navigation and Registration (INR) monitoring system CENRAIS (CWG Extended Navigation and Registration Analysis and Improvement System). The GOES-R ABI Trending and Data Analysis Toolkit (GRATDAT) is a software tool suite for supporting the GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) radiometric and geometric operations. It has the capacity to process the GOES-R ABI L0 data up to the L1B data through full sets of radiometric and geometric processing the same as the GOES-R ground operational processing of the data. Therefore, GRATDAT has the potential to be used as a toolkit in calibration and validation group work investigating the cause of the geometric calibration or correction anomaly. This paper focuses on the comparison of GOES-R Geometric or INR monitoring using both the GRATDAT generated and GOES-R ground processing generated L1b data and runs both pairs of the same time images through CENRAIS to evaluate and assess the accuracy of the GRATDAT Geometric or INR processing by comparing with the CENRAIS results of the two. The goal of this work is to make sure GRATDAT is accurate enough to be used as a toolkit to assistant in tracing the cause of any anomaly. In GRATDAT processing of GOES-R data from Level 0 to Level 1B, we can adjust any look up table (LUT) values to check the impacts of the parameters or thresholds used in the L0 to L1B processing, which gives us more power to detect both the geometric and radiometric anomaly and assess the impacts of any parameter and threshold value changes in the processing. Preliminary results of 2-hour FD and CONUS image comparison show the CENRAIS results from both Full Disk (FD) and CONUS image pairs are comparable and matching well from the pairs of CENRAIS runs. The Image Navigation Residuals (NAV), Frame-to-Frame Registration (FFR), Channel-to-Channel Registration (CCR) results from the comparison of two sets of images will be presented. One full day of the two sets of images will be processed through CENRAIS for a robust and convincing comparison.
Conference Presentation
(2023) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Song Guo "Comparison of ABI INR using the operational and GRATDAT-generated L1B images", Proc. SPIE 12685, Earth Observing Systems XXVIII, 126850H (4 October 2023);
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Image processing


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