Poster + Paper
27 November 2023 Development of an embedded system for recognizing the position of objects during automatic mounting of semiconductor crystals on a substrate
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Conference Poster
The most technologically sophisticated equipment for the production of integrated circuits is equipment for the production of semiconductor wafers, lithography, etching and implantation. In addition to operations on photolithography and the production of semiconductor wafers, the technological chain for the production of a modern microcircuit includes cutting semiconductor wafers, mounting them on a substrate, testing, bonding and packaging. All of them require high-precision manipulation work. The creation of machines that solve such problems involves, in addition to the use of sufficiently precise mechanics, also the development of methods for recognizing objects and positioning a working tool based on video data, which will increase the accuracy of mounting crystals, the repeatability of operations and, consequently, reduce the percentage of scrap and the cost of final products. The main problem of introducing vision systems is their integration into numerical control systems of installations in order to increase the speed of technological operations. Thus, the development of real-time algorithms that determine the position of semiconductor crystals relative to the substrate, their implementation in the form of programs for specialized controllers integrated directly into CNC systems is an urgent task. The paper presents the implementation of a video stream processing system from high-resolution cameras, which determines the contours of a semiconductor crystal, its position relative to the substrate, including the rotation angle, and outputs them directly to the programmable logic controller of the CNC system. The basis for the system was a programmable logic integrated circuit Cyclone IV which implements a 64-bit RISC-V core.
(2023) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Prohor Karlov, Evgenii Semenishchev, and Andrey Alepko "Development of an embedded system for recognizing the position of objects during automatic mounting of semiconductor crystals on a substrate", Proc. SPIE 12767, Optoelectronic Imaging and Multimedia Technology X, 127671S (27 November 2023);
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Embedded systems

Semiconducting wafers

Algorithm development

Control systems

Integrated circuits


EPL data conversion system
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Alignment performance monitoring for ASML systems
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Future trends in electronic packaging
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