Intense underwater laser propagation is fundamental for many applications, e.g. laser surgery and laser acoustic generation. Meter-scale nonlinear propagation of picosecond ultraviolet pulses in water was measured and modeled. The SNOPROP code incorporates a 2D azimuthally-symmetric model of nonlinear laser pulse propagation in liquid water, solves coupled nonlinear Schrödinger propagation equations, and includes: stimulated Raman scattering, Kerr self-focusing, group-velocity dispersion, and both optical field and collisional cascade ionization. The SNOPROP liquid water chemistry model was recently augmented to include a set of energy-dependent cross sections, which it uses to calculate collisional rates and both conduction band electron density and temperature. Recent implementation of radially-varying computational grids is expected to improve SNOPROP efficiency, and comparison with published experimental data can provide validation. SNOPROP modeling fidelity will be enhanced by planned incorporation of ionization rates from ongoing experimental characterization of the nonlinear response of water.