The Visible Extragalactic background RadiaTion Exploration by CubeSat (VERTECS) is designed for observing Extragalactic Background Light(EBL). VERTECS mission requires attitude control stability better than 10 arcsec (1σ) per minute, pointing accuracy better than 0.1 deg, and the slew rate faster than 1 deg per sec. We discuss the software-in-the-loop (SIL) attitude simulator simulation to verify whether the current Attitude Determination Control System (ADCS) design and the planned orbit can meet the requirements for EBL observations. We simulate the attitude control system with the simulation software, taking into account the attitude control commands, the parameters of the ADCS hardware, and the expected attitude disturbances in the assumed orbit. This simulation shows the sequence of attitude maneuvers needed to meet the requirement. The simulation results indicate that the current observation sequence is feasible.