Poster + Paper
21 August 2024 The DEMUX module of the ATHENA/X-IFU digital readout electronics demonstration model
D. Murat, L. Ravera, Y. Parot, T. Camus, O. Coeur-Joly, C. Guerin
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Conference Poster
The DRE (Digital Readout Electronics) of ATHENA / X-IFU consists of three main parts: i) The Row Address and Synchronisation module synchronises the Time Domain Multiplexed readout of the Focal Plane Assembly. ii) the Demultiplexer module (DEMUX) linearises the cold front-end electronics and demultiplexes pixels data. iii) the Event Processor module detects the events and measures the energy and arrival time of the X-ray photons. We have developed a Demonstration Model (DM) of the DEMUX module. It is representative of the flight model (size, components, design rules, mechanics, etc.). Its aim is to demonstrate the functionalities and performances of our electronics. The DEMUX DM is also a means of practicing operational procedures such as the so-called expertise procedures: these are test scenarios defined to characterise the instrument detection chains in order to identify the optimal operating points.
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D. Murat, L. Ravera, Y. Parot, T. Camus, O. Coeur-Joly, and C. Guerin "The DEMUX module of the ATHENA/X-IFU digital readout electronics demonstration model", Proc. SPIE 13093, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, 130934H (21 August 2024);
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Field programmable gate arrays

Time division multiplexing


Digital electronics

Analog to digital converters



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