Presentation + Paper
23 August 2024 Status of the ELT phasing and diagnostic station project
Lorenzo Pettazzi, Thomas Pfrommer, Steffan Lewis, Jose Antonio Abad, Constanza Araujo Hauck, Helen Bedigan, Henri Bonnet, Pierre Bourget, Martin Brinkmann, Elsa Calmette, Angela Cortes, Byron Engler, Christoph Frank, Fernando Gago, Thomas Grudzien, Ivan Maria Guidolin, Andreas Haimerl, Peter Hammersley, Marcus Haug, Renate Hinterschuster, Stefan Huber, Paul Jolley, Aglae Kellerer, Mario Kiekebusch, Jean-Paul Kirchbauer, Johannes Kolmeder, Johan Kosmalski, Ulrich Lampater, Paolo La Penna, Serban Leveratto, Christian Lucuix, Ignacio Lopez Gil, Christopher Mandla, Enrico Marchetti, Christophe Moins, Jerome Paufique, Oliver Pfuhl, Dan Popovic, Babak Sedghi, Sebastien Tordo, Christophe Verinaud, Pablo Zuluaga
Author Affiliations +
The ELT Phasing and Diagnostic Station (PDS), is a multi-purpose optomechanical system providing metrology tools to phase the segmented primary mirror of the ELT and hosting the sensors required to verify AO-assisted diffraction limited image quality at the ELT. The purpose of the PDS in the context of the ELT lifecycle is twofold. On one side, during the AIV phase of the ELT, the PDS will be the fundamental tool enabling commissioning of the telescope. On the other hand, during operation, the PDS will provide the essential metrology means to monitor performance and detect and isolate potential failures within the observatory. The project, which is one of the most important internal development endeavors at ESO, passed PDR in mid-2021 and underwent an optical final design review in late 2021, where challenges associated to the schedule were identified and more time was given to optimize the design. The project underwent a restructuring in early 2022 before starting its final design phase which has been successfully completed in 2023. In the same period all procurements concerning critical long lead items have been launched. The present contribution first introduces the project in the context of the ELT construction programme, outlining the project structure and the project management tools employed for planning and progress monitoring. Subsequently, the main system engineering processes used within the project will be described. Finally, we report on the main technical results obtained during the final design phase and the plans for the assembly, integration and test of the system.
Conference Presentation
© (2024) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Lorenzo Pettazzi, Thomas Pfrommer, Steffan Lewis, Jose Antonio Abad, Constanza Araujo Hauck, Helen Bedigan, Henri Bonnet, Pierre Bourget, Martin Brinkmann, Elsa Calmette, Angela Cortes, Byron Engler, Christoph Frank, Fernando Gago, Thomas Grudzien, Ivan Maria Guidolin, Andreas Haimerl, Peter Hammersley, Marcus Haug, Renate Hinterschuster, Stefan Huber, Paul Jolley, Aglae Kellerer, Mario Kiekebusch, Jean-Paul Kirchbauer, Johannes Kolmeder, Johan Kosmalski, Ulrich Lampater, Paolo La Penna, Serban Leveratto, Christian Lucuix, Ignacio Lopez Gil, Christopher Mandla, Enrico Marchetti, Christophe Moins, Jerome Paufique, Oliver Pfuhl, Dan Popovic, Babak Sedghi, Sebastien Tordo, Christophe Verinaud, and Pablo Zuluaga "Status of the ELT phasing and diagnostic station project", Proc. SPIE 13099, Modeling, Systems Engineering, and Project Management for Astronomy XI, 130990J (23 August 2024);
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