Poster + Paper
23 August 2024 Product and quality assurance at production of ALMA receivers
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Conference Poster
The ALMA observatory in Chile is an interferometer consisting of 66 antennas that act together as a single telescope. Each antenna hosts a set of 10 receivers working in different frequency bands. The repetitive nature of ALMA demands a “serial” approach towards the development and production of its receivers. Series of up to 70 (66 and spares) high quality and reliable receivers are required, which can only be achieved when a special work attitude is adopted. All starts with a good design, considering that the receivers must be built in small series. Parts are ordered in industry, the design must be simple, structural wise, with as little as possible different parts. The receivers must be easy to build, accessible with dedicated tools and best is if assembly is possible with a single engineer only. In the ordering process contact on a regular basis is vital, not all information is transferable in drawings and documents. Working with wellknown companies is preferable. Inspection of components and parts needs the highest priority: for the assembly phase no checking or rework shall be needed. The engineer must be confident that all is perfect, just to be able to focus on the assembly only. Part of the inspection is the electronic and RF testing of different components. This beholds implementation of a good documenting system for these inspections: to be able to have close and fruitful contacts with the manufacturers, inspection reports are invaluable for a feedback loop to optimize the production of parts. Also, lessons learned in these documents from former projects shall be studied in advance of the start of the inspection or even the design phase. Conclusion is that to make reliable instruments in a repeatable way, hyperfocus is needed at the assembly process: the consequence is that all components on the workbench need to be in perfect condition; Product and Quality Assurance is the heart of this process.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Mariëlle Bekema, Rob de Haan Stijkel, Albert Koops, and Ronald Hesper "Product and quality assurance at production of ALMA receivers", Proc. SPIE 13099, Modeling, Systems Engineering, and Project Management for Astronomy XI, 130991C (23 August 2024);
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