Poster + Paper
25 July 2024 Modernising discovery, access, and interoperability for the Trieste solar radio system heritage archive
M. Molinaro, G. Jerse, V. Alberti, S. Bertocco, I. Coretti, A. Marcucci, M. Messerotti
Author Affiliations +
Conference Poster
The TSRS was a set of two multi-channel solar radio polarimeters which performed continuous surveillance of the decimetric and metric coronal radio emissions with high time resolution. TSRS was operational in Trieste (Italy) under the management of the INAF Astronomical Observatory of Trieste from 1969 to 2010 when a lightning stroke irreparably compromised its operations. Starting from that moment, all the services related to it, including the archive system, were abandoned due to lack of funds and resources. An Heritage Archive (TSRS-HA) has been preserved with the available digitized data and this contribution describes how it was planned to refurbish archive and service for such a heritage resource following current common FAIR principles adherence and new technologies.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
M. Molinaro, G. Jerse, V. Alberti, S. Bertocco, I. Coretti, A. Marcucci, and M. Messerotti "Modernising discovery, access, and interoperability for the Trieste solar radio system heritage archive", Proc. SPIE 13101, Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy VIII, 131014G (25 July 2024);
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Solar processes

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