Presentation + Paper
16 August 2024 Development of an SIS mixer-based amplifier for large-scale multipixel heterodyne receivers
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This paper introduces a potential low-power-consumption and low-noise microwave amplifier operated at cryogenic temperature, essential for large-scale multi-pixel heterodyne receivers and fault-tolerant quantum computers. The amplifier employs two millimeter-wave superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) mixers as amplifying elements and a millimeter-wave Josephson array oscillator as the local oscillator source. A proof-of-concept experiment utilizing waveguide SIS mixer modules demonstrated an average gain of approximately 7.5 dB and a noise temperature of around 10 K at microwave frequencies. Additionally, a waveguide Josephson array oscillator module, developed to validate the design, exhibited an output power of roughly 52 nW, estimated from the response of a waveguide SIS detector connected to the oscillator module. These findings indicate the feasibility of realizing a monolithically integrated amplifier chip incorporating SIS mixers and a Josephson array oscillator.
Conference Presentation
© (2024) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Yoshinori Uzawa, Akira Kawakami, Takafumi Kojima, Kazumasa Makise, Sho Masui, Yosuke Murayama, Akihira Miyachi, and Wenlei Shan "Development of an SIS mixer-based amplifier for large-scale multipixel heterodyne receivers", Proc. SPIE 13102, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy XII, 131020L (16 August 2024);
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