27 September 2024 Research on the prediction algorithm for experts’ set values of hot air temperature for secondary conditioning cylinders in threshing and redrying
Hang Du, Xudong Sang, Yun Chen, Xuemiao Su, Changying Shao, Jun Lu, Gang Wei, Guangyu Shi, Yongjian Zhou, Chenlin Miao
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Proceedings Volume 13261, Tenth International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Materials, and Automation Technology (MMEAT 2024); 132610E (2024)
Event: 10th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Materials, and Automation Technology (MMEAT 2024), 2024, Wuhan, China
The research aims at secondary conditioning cylinders that suffer high-frequency manual intervention and lagged adjustment in tobacco threshing and redrying. In the case of the secondary conditioning cylinders processing the ACDFAPK, DBBFAH, and DCAKAHK Tobacco Modules (2021 Season) in the Yunnan Chuxiong Tobacco Redrying Factory, it takes the equipment parameters and the processing environment’s temperature and moisture as the test data and considers the correlations as the evaluation indexes, so as to analyze the relationships between the equipment parameters given by the experts and the environment temperature and moisture. The prediction model for experts’ set values of hot air temperature is built by virtue of the deep neural network (DNN) machine learning (ML) algorithm. The results show that: (1) the primary parameter requiring adjustment based on the environment temperature and moisture is hot air temperature; (2) the prediction model for experts’ set values based on the DNN algorithm has a mean square error (MSE) of 5.745, a coefficient of determination (R-square) of 0.66, and a prediction accuracy of 98.49%. Thus, this prediction model boasts favorable fitting performance, small prediction errors, and high prediction accuracy.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Hang Du, Xudong Sang, Yun Chen, Xuemiao Su, Changying Shao, Jun Lu, Gang Wei, Guangyu Shi, Yongjian Zhou, and Chenlin Miao "Research on the prediction algorithm for experts’ set values of hot air temperature for secondary conditioning cylinders in threshing and redrying", Proc. SPIE 13261, Tenth International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Materials, and Automation Technology (MMEAT 2024), 132610E (27 September 2024);
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Air temperature


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Correlation coefficients

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