1 November 1990 System design of a long-wavelength IR CCD camera based on a 240X4 MCT focal plane array
Thomas R. Briere, R. Hohenberger, Jean-Pierre Chatard
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This paper describes the successful completion of a long wavelength second generation infrared camera which was designed, fabricated and tested at Kolisman Co. The design focused on a low cost approach based on state-of-the art components which were sufficiently mature in their development cycle to be readily available if no design modifications were necessary (i.e. 'off the shelf'). The system design approach for the sensor package allows for retrofit to existing sensor platforms thereby reducing integration costs while offering second generation performance. The design is based on a 7.5-10.7 micron long wavelength focal plane array (FPA) consisting of 240 x 4 elements. Cryogenic cooling is supplied for the array using a state-of-the-art linear drive Stirling cycle refrigerator. The system is a parallel scanned type utilizing on-focal plane time delay and integration to achieve improved signal to noise ratio. Digital scan conversion is used to obtain RS-170 TV compatible output.
© (1990) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Thomas R. Briere, R. Hohenberger, and Jean-Pierre Chatard "System design of a long-wavelength IR CCD camera based on a 240X4 MCT focal plane array", Proc. SPIE 1341, Infrared Technology XVI, (1 November 1990);
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Staring arrays


Infrared cameras


Charge-coupled devices

Imaging systems


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