6 April 1995 Study of two different biological insect eye maps with artificial neural network processing
Roy E. Williams, Ronald G. Driggers, William R. Clayton, Laura Anderson, Carl E. Halford
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Insect eyes have a large number of facets or lenses, also known as ommatidia or eyelets, with different arrangements of biological photoreceptors coupled to each eyelet. The output of each photoreceptor is coupled to sets of neurons where the optical information is processed. It is interesting to note that different insects are comprised of entirely different visual systems. These varying eyelet arrangements appear to be particular to the insect's habits and habitats. To test this premise, two very different insect ommatidia maps coupled to artificial neural network (NN) processors were modeled and simulated on a silicon graphics workstation. The performance of each ommatidia/NN system was tested in point source target location tasks and finite target location tasks in order to compare the two to each other and to man-made multi- aperture vision systems. The results of these simulations are presented.
© (1995) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Roy E. Williams, Ronald G. Driggers, William R. Clayton, Laura Anderson, and Carl E. Halford "Study of two different biological insect eye maps with artificial neural network processing", Proc. SPIE 2492, Applications and Science of Artificial Neural Networks, (6 April 1995);
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Visual process modeling

Visual system

Eye models


Neural networks


Artificial neural networks

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