18 September 1995 Wireless local communications using star-ring fiber optic CATV networks
Yang-Han Lee, Hen-Wai Tsao, Le-Pond Chin, Jingshown Wu
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In this paper, we utilize the embedded hybrid fiber-optic/coaxial CATV network for wireless bidirectional communications with a star-ring fiber-optic network to distribute broadcasting cable TV programs and simultaneously to provide bidirectional transmission of wireless signals. At the head end, there are two lasers: the downlink laser is split into two parts (one as the local oscillator for the uplink coherent detection and the other being externally modulated by the combined TV and wireless signals); the uplink laser connects to the ring network with the cascaded phase modulators schemes. For the star-ring topology, the total hub number are limited by the CNR of TV signals and the radius between head end and hub as: the total hub number of this system to be 14 and 20 for r of 5 km and 1 km, respectively, with the CNRU and CNRD larger than 15 dB together with CNRTV larger than 50 dB.
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Yang-Han Lee, Hen-Wai Tsao, Le-Pond Chin, and Jingshown Wu "Wireless local communications using star-ring fiber optic CATV networks", Proc. SPIE 2556, Wireless Communications, (18 September 1995);
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