22 November 1996 Design of a high-resolution step-and-scan type monochromator capable of tuning to undulator radiation over a wavelength range of 80-180 nm
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A step-and-scan type scanning scheme has been investigated for the purpose of simplifying the high-precision scanning mechanism adopted in the 6.65-m off-plane Eagle type monochromator on an undulator beamline of the Advanced Light Source at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. In this scheme it is proposed to scan over a wavelength range of 80 - 180 nm by covering a range of 0.99 (lambda) t - 1.01 (lambda) t at a time by simply rotating the grating fixed at the position for a wavelength (lambda) t to which the undulator is tuned. When the undulator is tuned to another (lambda) t, the grating is translated to a new fixed position and scanning is made by simple grating rotation. A ruled grating with varied line spacing and straight grooves and a holographic grating recorded with spherical wave- fronts were designed to match the proposed scanning scheme and to meet the required energy resolution of approximately 1.0 cm-1 over the entire scanning range. The results of ray tracing show that the designed gratings with 2400 grooves/mm and 6.1-m radius of curvature would provide a resolution of -1, a good correction of astigmatism, and a grating travel distance of only 11 or 14 mm over the scanning range of 80 - 180 nm.
© (1996) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Masato Koike, Philip A. Heimann, and Takeshi Namioka "Design of a high-resolution step-and-scan type monochromator capable of tuning to undulator radiation over a wavelength range of 80-180 nm", Proc. SPIE 2856, Optics for High-Brightness Synchrotron Radiation Beamlines II, (22 November 1996); Logo
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Optical design

Spectral resolution

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Diffraction gratings

Monochromatic aberrations

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