27 February 1997 RFQ-accelerator-based neutron radiography and tomography system
Richard C. Lanza, Yoel Fink, Erik. B. Iverson, Eric W. McFarland, Shuanghe Shi
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Proceedings Volume 2867, International Conference Neutrons in Research and Industry; (1997)
Event: Fifth International Conference on Applications of Nuclear Techniques: Neutrons in Research and Industry, 1996, Crete, Greece
Transportable accelerator based sources are the only means by which large structures such as aircraft or industrial components can be inspected practically using neutron radiography. Since such sources are generally considerably lower in flux than reactors, the entire system must be designed for high imaging efficiency. We describe an imaging system for accelerator based thermal neutron tomography and radiography based on the use of a radiofrequency quadrupole (RFQ) using a Be target. Fast neutrons, produced through the reaction 9Be4(d,n)10B5, are moderated with typical thermalized neutron fluence rates of 103 to 104 n/cm2/s, depending on the collimation. The camera system consists of a 1242 by 1152 pixel CCD cooled to -50 degrees C viewing a 20 by 20 cm NE-426 scintillator through an F/0.9 100 mm focal length lends. Our experiments show that neutron statistical noise and not the performance of the CCD system is the dominant limitation in the camera. We have used the system for imaging corrosion in lap joints of KC-135 aircraft and have been able to quantify corrosion within the joint.
© (1997) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Richard C. Lanza, Yoel Fink, Erik. B. Iverson, Eric W. McFarland, and Shuanghe Shi "RFQ-accelerator-based neutron radiography and tomography system", Proc. SPIE 2867, International Conference Neutrons in Research and Industry, (27 February 1997); Logo
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