13 August 1999 Analysis and minimization of noise effects in phase-shifting interferometry
Gonzalo Paez, Marija Strojnik
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Proceedings Volume 3744, Interferometry '99: Techniques and Technologies; (1999)
Event: International Conference on Optical Metrology, 1999, Pultusk Castle, Poland
We perform the analysis of the impact of noise in the phase- shifting interferometry. The effect of the multiplicative noise is equivalent to the (pixel-variable) modulating intensity error, while the additive noise has the two-fold consequences, equivalent to the (pixel-variable) phase-shift error and the modulating intensity error. We evaluate the relative importance of the errors in the background intensity, the modulating intensity, and the phase-shift on the accuracy of the phase recovery. The phase reconstruction process is more sensitive to the phase displacement error than to the intensity error. Finally, we show that the phase reconstruction process is more sensitive to the additive noise than to the multiplicative noise.
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Gonzalo Paez and Marija Strojnik "Analysis and minimization of noise effects in phase-shifting interferometry", Proc. SPIE 3744, Interferometry '99: Techniques and Technologies, (13 August 1999); Logo
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