22 June 2000 Fabrication and experimental characterization of d31 telescopic piezoelectric actuators
Paul W. Alexander, Diann E. Brei, Weiguo Miao, John W. Halloran, Richard L. Gentilman, Gerald E. Schmidt, Patrick Timothy McGuire, John R. Hollenbeck
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Stacks are a popular form of piezoelectric actuation. Unfortunately with this type of actuation architecture the long lengths normally required to obtain necessary displacements can pose packaging and buckling problems. To overcome these limitations, a new architecture for piezoelectric actuators has been developed called telescopic. The basic design consists of concentric shells interconnected by end-caps which alternate in placement between the two axial ends of the shells. This leads to a linear displacement amplification at the cost of force; yet the force remains at the same magnitude as a stack and significantly higher than bender type architectures. This paper describes the fabrication and experimental characterization of three different telescopic prototypes. The actuator prototypes discussed in this paper mark a definitive step forward in fabrication techniques for complex piezoceramic structures. Materials Systems Inc. has developed an injection molding process that produced a functional, five-tube, monolithic telescopic actuator. A three-tube, monolithic actuator was fabricated using a novel polymerization technique developed at the University of Michigan. As a benchmark, a third actuator was built from off-the-shelf tubes that were joined with aluminum end-caps. Each prototype's free deflection behavior was experimentally characterized and the results of the testing are presented within this paper.
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Paul W. Alexander, Diann E. Brei, Weiguo Miao, John W. Halloran, Richard L. Gentilman, Gerald E. Schmidt, Patrick Timothy McGuire, and John R. Hollenbeck "Fabrication and experimental characterization of d31 telescopic piezoelectric actuators", Proc. SPIE 3985, Smart Structures and Materials 2000: Smart Structures and Integrated Systems, (22 June 2000); Logo
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