5 July 2000 Degree of patterning performance (DOPP) at low K lithography
Donggyu Yim, Seung-Hyuk Lee, Myung-Goon Gil, Young-Mog Ham, Bong-Ho Kim, Ki-Ho Baik
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In this study, we will introduce a new definition, as 'Degree of Patterning Performance (DOPP)' for analyzing process capability. DOPP represents the total performance, which can estimate whether it could be available to adapt any device ona certain integration process. The degree of difficulty on some projects can be represented by DOPP, which considers design rule, field size, mask error, lens aberration, illumination imperfection, resist performance, and the others. Via DOPP, one can estimate whether some project can be available on mass production or not, and machine performance is normal or not. And also, one can quantitatively analyze how effective several causes of CD variation are on total patterning performance respectively. The simple DOPP metric can be used widely on various situations, which will be introduced in detail on this paper.
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Donggyu Yim, Seung-Hyuk Lee, Myung-Goon Gil, Young-Mog Ham, Bong-Ho Kim, and Ki-Ho Baik "Degree of patterning performance (DOPP) at low K lithography", Proc. SPIE 4000, Optical Microlithography XIII, (5 July 2000);
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Critical dimension metrology

Optical lithography




Scanning electron microscopy



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