30 March 2000 Experimental study on the effect of environmental fluctuations affecting thermal images of infrared radiometer
Arao Kamoi, Yoshizo Okamoto, Motokuni Eto
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Infrared radiometer IR has been recently used as a remote sensing instrumentation system in various fields of industries. The IR displays the radiant energy distribution of the material to be measured as a 2D thermal image, and measures its radiation temperature and emissivity which are influenced by the environmental factors. As to applications of IR such as surface and internal defects of construction structure, existence of underground object and so on, it has been frequently experienced that the thermal images on a CRT display are fluctuating and those true temperatures cannot be measured correctly. This phenomenon is considered to be due to fluctuations of the meteorological and environmental factors, mainly influenced by irradiance (solar injection flux), wind velocity, atmospheric temperature, and so on. Our experimental study clarifies the correlation between variance of the thermal images of the CRT display and fluctuations of the above-mentioned environmental factors by analyzing the environmental factors and their power spectrum density as a function of frequency.
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Arao Kamoi, Yoshizo Okamoto, and Motokuni Eto "Experimental study on the effect of environmental fluctuations affecting thermal images of infrared radiometer", Proc. SPIE 4020, Thermosense XXII, (30 March 2000); Logo
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Black bodies

Temperature metrology

Infrared imaging

Infrared radiation

Infrared sensors


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