7 January 2002 Tomographic characterization of grain-size correlations in polycrystalline Al-Sn
Carl E. Krill III, Kristian M. Deobrich, Daniel Michels, Andreas Michels, Christoph Rau, Timm Weitkamp, Anatoly A. Snigirev, Rainer Birringer
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The inadequacies of current analytical models for grain growth are thought to arise in part from their mean-field nature: they ignore the presence of correlations in the sizes of neighboring grains induced by the process of grain growth itself. Although grain-size correlations have been identified in microstructures generated by computer simulations of grain growth, no comparable evidence has been obtained from real samples - primarily because of the experimental difficulties associated with evaluating this inherently three-dimensional property. Using absorption- contrast x-ray microtomography, we have attempted to characterize the network of grain boundaries in polycrystalline samples of Al doped with up to 3 at.% Sn. In principle, since the tin atoms segregate to the grain boundaries, it should be possible to determine the size and relative position of each grain from a three-dimensional reconstruction of the Sn distribution, from which the desired correlation function could be calculated directly. However, the grain boundaries in Al-Sn are not uniformly decorated with tin, which presents a formidable challenge to quantifying the microstructural properties of such samples. Significant progress toward overcoming this problem has been achieved by applying a constrained phase-field grain-growth algorithm to an approximate microstructure gleaned from the tomographic contrast data.
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Carl E. Krill III, Kristian M. Deobrich, Daniel Michels, Andreas Michels, Christoph Rau, Timm Weitkamp, Anatoly A. Snigirev, and Rainer Birringer "Tomographic characterization of grain-size correlations in polycrystalline Al-Sn", Proc. SPIE 4503, Developments in X-Ray Tomography III, (7 January 2002); Logo
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Chemical species

Correlation function


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