26 April 2002 Use of cross-validation and Monte Carlo simulation for estimating the parameters of beaconless free-space optical pointing and tracking
Barbara E. Marino, Haiping Tsou, Tsun-Yee Yan
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To meet the micro-radian pointing accuracy required for deep space optical downlink telemetry, an algorithm has been proposed which uses the Earth as a beacon for locating the ground-based terminal. To enhance the resolution of the Earth beacon, a sequence of images is captured as the Earth image is moved across a CCD array in sub-pixel increments. Using this high resolution data, the algorithm then locates the ground-based terminal. The algorithm relies on two parameters for its solution; this paper develops techniques for estimating these parameters. To improve accuracy, a low pass filter is used in a pre-processing step to reduce the thermal noise introduced by the CCD array. The optimal cutoff frequency of the low pass filter is estimated using cross validation. The other parameter to be determined is a threshold used to extricate the Earth image from the background of the image. For this, a Monte Carlo simulation is used to determine the threshold that minimizes the mean squared error between the estimate and true locations of the ground-based terminal. Simulations indicate that the parameters can be determined very accurately using these methods. Results are presented.
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Barbara E. Marino, Haiping Tsou, and Tsun-Yee Yan "Use of cross-validation and Monte Carlo simulation for estimating the parameters of beaconless free-space optical pointing and tracking", Proc. SPIE 4635, Free-Space Laser Communication Technologies XIV, (26 April 2002); Logo
Cited by 4 scholarly publications.
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Signal to noise ratio

Monte Carlo methods

Charge-coupled devices

Image processing

Linear filtering

Detection and tracking algorithms

Interference (communication)

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