20 September 2002 New MCP reflection x-ray-sensitive film of variable density halide
Tangren Dan, Jingquan Tian, Xiuping Sun, Ye Li, Jiebin Niu, Delong Jiang, Qingduo Duanmu, Lichen Fu
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Microchannel plate (MCP) is a device of two-dimension array electron multiplier. The detection ability to 40 - 60 KeV X-ray for MCP was increased by coating the halide such as CsI, CsBr and KBr on input plate of MCP, that forming a reflection X-ray sensitive film in the channel with depth of 2 - 3 times of diameter below the input plate. Experiment results show that the output response of MCP with variable density structure CsI to X-ray is about 5 - 6 times higher than that with constant density structure, and of one order of magnitude stronger than that without coating the film. Comparatively, the output response of MCP with CsI sensing film is best, CsBr medium and KBr bad. The response characteristics of MCP with CsI to X-ray related to film materials, structure, component distribution and process. Several experiment curves denoted the response characteristics to X-ray at different target voltage and current. The results basically accorded with the theory about quantum detection efficiency of reflection X-ray cathode. This new MCP reflection X-ray sensitive film of variable density halide has been successfully applied in X-ray imaging detecting devices. The corresponding detection system will find widely and potential applications in the field of medical diagnosis, nondestructive evaluation and security inspection, etc.
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Tangren Dan, Jingquan Tian, Xiuping Sun, Ye Li, Jiebin Niu, Delong Jiang, Qingduo Duanmu, and Lichen Fu "New MCP reflection x-ray-sensitive film of variable density halide", Proc. SPIE 4919, Advanced Materials and Devices for Sensing and Imaging, (20 September 2002); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Microchannel plates


X-ray imaging

Quantum efficiency




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