7 January 2004 Longwave hyperspectral imaging spectrometer design and implementation
Harold Miller Jr., Karen E. Yokoyama, Kent Rasmussen, Tom Engler, Jim Rupert, Bruce Flegal, Peter J. Jarecke
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Northrop Grumman Space Technology (NGST), using internal funding, has designed, built and is testing a Long Wave Hyperspectral Imaging Spectrometer (LWHIS) that operates in the 8 to 12.5 micron band. This instrument was designed to be compatible with aircraft platforms so that flight data in this wavelength band can be used for phenomenological analysis. The instrument provides up to 256 contiguous spectral channels with 17 nm of dispersion per pixel (pixels are binned in normal operation to provide 128 spectral channels). The entrance aperture is 3.5 cm and feeds a F2/5 reflective triplet front end. The focal plane is a 256 x 256 array of 40 micron pixels which can be binned to form an 80 micron superpixel. With a fixed frame rate of 60 Hz, the instrument provides a ground sample distance of 1m at 1.1km altitude. This paper describes the physical characteristics of the design and presents the predicted performance based on NGST internal models. Design trades and test data will be presented. A more detailed look at the characterization and calibration of this instrument will be presented in a companion paper "Long Wave Hyperspectral Imaging Spectrometer -- System Characterization and Calibration."
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Harold Miller Jr., Karen E. Yokoyama, Kent Rasmussen, Tom Engler, Jim Rupert, Bruce Flegal, and Peter J. Jarecke "Longwave hyperspectral imaging spectrometer design and implementation", Proc. SPIE 5159, Imaging Spectrometry IX, (7 January 2004); Logo
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Hyperspectral imaging

Staring arrays

Performance modeling


Aerospace engineering

Imaging systems

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