27 October 2006 Nondestructive measurement of reducing sugar of apples using Vis/NIR spectroscopy techniques
Yihong Jiang, Xiaoli Li, Xiujun Bai, Yong He
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Proceedings Volume 6047, Fourth International Conference on Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine; 60472E (2006)
Event: Fourth International Conference on Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine, 2005, Tianjin, China
In this research, the potential ofusing the Visible/Near Infrared Spectroscopy (VisINIRS) was investigated for measuring the reducing sugar of Fuji apple (from Shanxi of China), and the relationship was established between nondestructive Vis/NIR spectral measurement and the reducing sugar of apple. Intact apple fruit were measured by reflectance Vis/NIR in 325-1075 nm range. The data set as the logarithms of the reflectance reciprocal (absorbance (logl/R)) was analyzed in order to build the best calibration model for this characteristic, using some spectral pretreatments and multivariate calibration techniques such as partial least square regression (PLS). The models for the reducing sugar (r=0.915), standard error of prediction (SEP) 0.562 with a bias of 0.054; shown the excellent prediction performance. The Vis/NIR spectroscopy technique had significantly greater accuracy for determining the reducing sugar. It was concluded that by using the Vis/NIRS measurement technique, in the spectral range (325-1075 nm), it is possible to assess the reducing sugar content of apple.
© (2006) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Yihong Jiang, Xiaoli Li, Xiujun Bai, and Yong He "Nondestructive measurement of reducing sugar of apples using Vis/NIR spectroscopy techniques", Proc. SPIE 6047, Fourth International Conference on Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine, 60472E (27 October 2006);
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Data modeling


Nondestructive evaluation


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