23 February 2009 Experimental results of a new system using microwaves for vision correction
Thomas P. Ryan, Radha Pertaub, Steven R. Meyers, Russell P. Dresher, Ronald Scharf
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Technology is in development to correct vision without the use of lasers or cutting of the eye. Many current technologies used to reshape the cornea are invasive, in that either RF needles are placed into the cornea or a flap is cut and then a laser used to ablate the cornea in the optical zone. Keraflex, a therapeutic microwave treatment, is a noninvasive, non-incisional refractive surgery procedure capable of treating myopia (nearsightedness). The goal is to create a predictable refractive change in the optical zone, while preserving the epithelium and deeper structures of the eye. A further goal is to avoid incisions and damage to the epithelium which both require a post-treatment healing period. Experimental work with fresh porcine eyes examined the following variables: duration of the RF pulse, RF power level, coolant amount and timing, electrode spacing, applanation force against the eye, initial eye temperature, and age of eye. We measured curvature changes of the eye with topography, Scheimpflug, Wavefront aberrometry or other means to characterize diopter change as an important endpoint. Other assessment includes evaluation of a fine white ring seen in the cornea following treatment. Dose studies have been done to correlate the treated region with energy delivered. The timing and dosing of energy and cooling were investigated to achieve the target diopter change in vision.
© (2009) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Thomas P. Ryan, Radha Pertaub, Steven R. Meyers, Russell P. Dresher, and Ronald Scharf "Experimental results of a new system using microwaves for vision correction", Proc. SPIE 7181, Energy-based Treatment of Tissue and Assessment V, 718106 (23 February 2009); Logo
Cited by 3 scholarly publications and 11 patents.
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