13 March 2009 Three-dimensional visualization of pulsatile tissue-motion in B-mode ultrasonogram of neonatal cranium
Masayuki Fukuzawa, Hikari Kawaguchi, Masayoshi Yamada, Nobuyuki Nakamori, Yoshiki Kitsunezuka
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Pulsatile tissue-motion in the B-mode ultrasonogram of neonatal cranium has been visualized in the three-dimensional (3-D) domain. A movie of 2-D ultrasonogram (640×480pixels/frame, 8bits/pixel, 33ms/frame), which was taken with a conventional ultrasonogram apparatus (ATL HDI5000) and an ultrasonic probe combined with a compact tilt-sensor, was captured and recorded together with the orientations of probe into a 2-D visualization system developed by ourselves. The pulsatile strength was evaluated from a heartbeat-frequency component calculated by Fourier transform of a series of pixel values as a function of time sampled at each pixel of the 2-D ultrasonogram. The 3-D image of pulsatile strength was obtained by projecting the pulsatile strength on the several sections at different orientations of probe. The 3-D images of pulsatile-strength clearly described characteristic 3-D structures of arteries such as the anterior, middle and posterior cerebral arteries, Willis ring and cerebellar arteries. Since our technique is completely noninvasive, it is very useful for neonates rested completely at incubators. Furthermore, it is effective approach to obtain a useful 3-D ultrasonogram even in homogeneous tissues other than brain tissues, because it is easy to recognize the tissue boundary by selective detection of special tissues with their own motion characteristics.
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Masayuki Fukuzawa, Hikari Kawaguchi, Masayoshi Yamada, Nobuyuki Nakamori, and Yoshiki Kitsunezuka "Three-dimensional visualization of pulsatile tissue-motion in B-mode ultrasonogram of neonatal cranium", Proc. SPIE 7265, Medical Imaging 2009: Ultrasonic Imaging and Signal Processing, 72651C (13 March 2009);
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