Faraday rotation for magnetic field sensing can find applications in satellite altitude monitoring. Enhancing and tuning
Faraday rotation is demonstrated in hybrid magnetic photonic crystals, based on an independent nanoscale engineering of
two different materials (silica and iron oxide) at different length scales (< 20 and > 200 nm). An engineering approach
towards combined photonic band gap properties and magnetic functionalities, based on independent nanoscale
engineering of two different materials at different length scales, is conceptually presented, backed by simulations, and
experimentally confirmed. Large (> 200 nm) monodisperse nanospheres of transparent silica self-assemble into a
photonic crystal with a visible band gap, which is retained upon infiltration of small (< 20 nm) nanoparticles of magnetic
iron oxide. Enhancing and tuning Faraday rotation in photonic crystals is demonstrated.