13 August 2010 Sunlight fluorescence observations at 589nm with the SHIELDS spectrometer system: a progress report
S. Watchorn, J. Noto, J. Anderson, C. E. Sioris
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The background and beginning of this project have been described in previous SPIE papers1,2. Since then, atmospheric modeling work on the project has been completed, and the dual-wavelength monolith has been fabricated and fully tested3. The full sodium-wavelength SHIELDS unit was assembled and initially tested with a sodium lamp in 2009, and the project has now turned to that focus in earnest. A full workup with the sodium lamp has been completed, and the unit has started observing a fluorophore target (UV Green) illuminated with both a continuous white-light bulb and with sunlight from the day sky. In both cases, a narrow continuum fringe pattern was observed, but the pattern was too narrow in the spectral direction to extract, as of this writing, the absorption structure necessary to execute Fraunhofer Line Discrimination (FLD). The problem may be an unnecessarily broad sodium line filter. Tests with a narrower line filter in the optical path will be completed in July 2010, and determination of progress and next steps will be made at that time.
© (2010) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
S. Watchorn, J. Noto, J. Anderson, and C. E. Sioris "Sunlight fluorescence observations at 589nm with the SHIELDS spectrometer system: a progress report", Proc. SPIE 7812, Imaging Spectrometry XV, 781207 (13 August 2010); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication and 1 patent.
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