8 October 2010 Physical modelling of point-cloud (3D) and full-wave-form (4D) laser imaging
G. Anna, L. Hespel, N. Riviere, D. Hamoir, B. Tanguy
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We compare results issued from a numerical model that simulates the point cloud obtained by 3D laser scanning of a scene and measurements provided by a commercial laser scanner. The model takes into account the temporal and transverse characteristics of the laser pulse, the propagation through turbulent and scattering atmosphere, the interaction with the objects of the scene (which have special optical properties: BRDF...) and the characteristics of the opto-electric detection system. The model derives 4D laser imaging information as temporal laser backscattered intensity (full wave form) is considered here. Experiments and simulations are performed on targets and scenes in order to test the performances of such imager under conditions that could be representative of future applications like Sense and Avoid, Target Recognition and Mapping,...
© (2010) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
G. Anna, L. Hespel, N. Riviere, D. Hamoir, and B. Tanguy "Physical modelling of point-cloud (3D) and full-wave-form (4D) laser imaging", Proc. SPIE 7835, Electro-Optical Remote Sensing, Photonic Technologies, and Applications IV, 78350A (8 October 2010); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Imaging systems


3D acquisition

3D modeling

Optical simulations

Signal to noise ratio

Laser scanners


3D surface reconstruction from range slices
Proceedings of SPIE (November 24 2014)
Object detection and recognition method based on binocular
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Target surface finding using 3D SAR data
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3D imaging from theory to practice the Mona Lisa...
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