19 September 2011 Field performance of Concentrix CPV systems
A. Gombert, C. Crawford, T. Gerstmaier, S. van Riesen, M. Röttger, J. Wüllner
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Concentrix modules are based on III-V triple junction cells, a Fresnel lens array with a relatively small single lens aperture of 5 square inch, and a cover and bottom plate made out of glass. The first installations were conducted in 2008 in Europe, later installations followed in the US, in East Asia, in the Arabian Peninsula, and in Africa. This paper gives an overview of the performance of Soitec´s CPV systems with special focus on reliability, the different climatic conditions and their impact on the system performance. The seasonal distribution of the direct normal irradiation at the mentioned locations was found to be very different which enabled us to perform studies on the system performance depending on irradiation and ambient temperature. The first generation modules which were installed in 2008 had an average efficiency of 25%, resulting in a peak solar-to-grid system efficiency of 23% and an average AC system energy efficiency of > 20%. The system peak efficiencies of the second and third module generations reach maximum values of > 25% and average AC system efficiencies of > 22%. A detailed analysis of the reliability and the performance of the different system generations is presented.
© (2011) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
A. Gombert, C. Crawford, T. Gerstmaier, S. van Riesen, M. Röttger, and J. Wüllner "Field performance of Concentrix CPV systems", Proc. SPIE 8108, High and Low Concentrator Systems for Solar Electric Applications VI, 810806 (19 September 2011); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Brain-machine interfaces

Energy efficiency




Solar concentrators

Concentrated solar cells


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