8 February 2012 Modular VCSEL solution for uniform line illumination in the kW range
Holger Moench, Carsten Deppe, Raimond Dumoulin, Stephan Gronenborn, Xi Gu, Gero Heusler, Michael Miller, Pavel Pekarski, Armand Pruijmboom
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High power VCSEL arrays can be used as a versatile illumination and heating source. They are widely scalable in power and offer a robust and economic solution for many new applications with moderate brightness requirements. The use of VCSEL arrays for high power laser diode applications enables multiple benefits: Full wafer level production of VCSELs including the combination with micro-optics; assembly technologies allowing large synergy with LED assembly thus profiting from the rapid development in solid state lighting; an outstanding reliability and a modular approach on all levels. A high power VCSEL array module for a very uniform line illumination is described in detail which offers >150W/cm optical output and enables less than 1% non-uniformities per mm along the line. The applied optical principle of near field imaging and massively superposing many thousand VCSELs by arrays of micro-lenses gives perfect control over the intensity distribution and is inherently robust. A specific array of parallelogram shaped VCSELs has been developed in combination with an appropriate micro-lens design and an alignment strategy. The concept uses parallel and serial connection of VCSEL arrays on sub-mounts on water coolers in order to realize a good combination of moderate operating currents and reliability. Lines of any desired length can be built from modules of 1cm length because this optical concept allows large mounting tolerances between individual modules. Therefore the concept is scalable for a wide range of applications. A demonstrator system with an optical output of 3.5kW and a line length of 20cm has been realized.
© (2012) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Holger Moench, Carsten Deppe, Raimond Dumoulin, Stephan Gronenborn, Xi Gu, Gero Heusler, Michael Miller, Pavel Pekarski, and Armand Pruijmboom "Modular VCSEL solution for uniform line illumination in the kW range", Proc. SPIE 8241, High-Power Diode Laser Technology and Applications X, 82410B (8 February 2012); Logo
Cited by 10 scholarly publications and 1 patent.
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Vertical cavity surface emitting lasers

Semiconducting wafers


Near field optics





VCSEL arrays with integrated optics
Proceedings of SPIE (March 13 2013)
Light-Emitting Diode (LED) Arrays For Optical Recorders
Proceedings of SPIE (February 12 1980)
LW VCSELs for SFP+ applications
Proceedings of SPIE (February 12 2008)
An X-Ray Stepper
Proceedings of SPIE (March 19 1984)
High power VCSEL systems for tailored intensity distributions
Proceedings of SPIE (February 07 2011)

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