29 November 2012 The amplified spontaneous emission in EDF with small pulse pump
Fu Wang, Chongqing Wu, Lanlan Liu, Zhi Wang, Zhenchao Sun, Yaya Mao
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The amplified Spontaneous Emission (ASE) is the important noise source for EDFA, affecting the EDFA based fiber laser seriously. The theory and practice have shown that the ASE is closely related with pump methods, so the study on the ASE of EDF under the condition of the pulse pumping has important academic significations. What’s more, the mode-locked laser based on EDFA fiber ring could be pumping by the pulse to realized mode-lock, and the ASE will impact its characteristics. In this paper, the effects of pump pulse with different width and amplitude on the ASE were investigated by the theoretical and experiment methods. Beginning with the carrier density rate equation, we can get each level of the distribution of the number of particles carriers along with the change of time based on the relationship between the average number of photons of the spontaneous radiation and the number of particles carriers distribution. An approximate analytic solution of output ASE noise average is derived when pump signal is small.Building an experimental system, the results show that the output amplitude of ASE is proportional to the input width of pump pulse when the pump pulse is small. It's also shows that the output amplitude of ASE is proportional to the input amplitude of pump pulse. The new phenomena can be used for the all-optical measurement of a pulse width.
© (2012) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Fu Wang, Chongqing Wu, Lanlan Liu, Zhi Wang, Zhenchao Sun, and Yaya Mao "The amplified spontaneous emission in EDF with small pulse pump", Proc. SPIE 8552, Semiconductor Lasers and Applications V, 85520V (29 November 2012);
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Optical amplifiers


Fiber lasers


Mode locking

Pulsed laser operation



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