17 September 2013 Development of an underwater fiber-optic lidar for the characterization of sea water and ice properties
Gilles Roy, Pierre Mathieu, Xiaoying Cao, Alain Cinq-Mars, Simon Roy, Georges Fournier, Claudie Marec, Guislain Bécu
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DRDC Valcartier has developed a unique underwater lidar for the measurement of different sea water and ice properties. The lidar head is designed for underwater operation and consists of four telescopes that are connected to the detection and emission unit via five 42 m fused silica optical fibers. Three telescopes are used for data collection, while the fourth is used for laser emission. The laser source and the detection unit are located on a surface vessel. The laser beam is injected into a 100 μm diameter optical fiber. The collimation of the laser beam is done in the lidar head via a lens with 25 mm diameter and 45 mm focal length; the laser beam is linearly polarized using a polarization beamsplitter. A 50 mm receiving telescope co-aligned with the laser beam is used for linear depolarization measurements. A second 50 mm telescope is used to collect off-axis scattered light while a third 50 mm telescope is used to collect inelastic scattered radiation (Raman and induced fluorescence signal). The laser source and detection units are mounted on a small optical table for easy access/modification. Various laser sources and lidar detection techniques (Q-switched pulses or frequency modulated) could be easily implemented. The lidar head can be deployed underwater or mounted on an airborne platform. In this work, the lidar system will be described in detail and preliminary results obtained with a Q-Switch, 532 nm, 1 ns pulse laser source will be presented and compared with the anticipated performance for different water bodies.
© (2013) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Gilles Roy, Pierre Mathieu, Xiaoying Cao, Alain Cinq-Mars, Simon Roy, Georges Fournier, Claudie Marec, and Guislain Bécu "Development of an underwater fiber-optic lidar for the characterization of sea water and ice properties", Proc. SPIE 8872, Lidar Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring XIV, 88720I (17 September 2013); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Laser sources


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