11 September 2013 Phase transfer function based method to alleviate image artifacts in wavefront coding imaging system
Xutao Mo, Jinjiang Wang
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Proceedings Volume 8907, International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging 2013: Infrared Imaging and Applications; 89074H (2013)
Event: ISPDI 2013 - Fifth International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging, 2013, Beijing, China
Wavefront coding technique can extend the depth of filed (DOF) of the incoherent imaging system. Several rectangular separable phase masks (such as cubic type, exponential type, logarithmic type, sinusoidal type, rational type, et al) have been proposed and discussed, because they can extend the DOF up to ten times of the DOF of ordinary imaging system. But according to the research on them, researchers have pointed out that the images are damaged by the artifacts, which usually come from the non-linear phase transfer function (PTF) differences between the PTF used in the image restoration filter and the PTF related to real imaging condition. In order to alleviate the image artifacts in imaging systems with wavefront coding, an optimization model based on the PTF was proposed to make the PTF invariance with the defocus. Thereafter, an image restoration filter based on the average PTF in the designed depth of field was introduced along with the PTF-based optimization. The combination of the optimization and the image restoration proposed can alleviate the artifacts, which was confirmed by the imaging simulation of spoke target. The cubic phase mask (CPM) and exponential phase mask (EPM) were discussed as example.
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Xutao Mo and Jinjiang Wang "Phase transfer function based method to alleviate image artifacts in wavefront coding imaging system", Proc. SPIE 8907, International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging 2013: Infrared Imaging and Applications, 89074H (11 September 2013); Logo
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Phase transfer function

Image restoration

Imaging systems

Optical transfer functions

Image filtering


Image compression

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