20 June 2014 A hybrid approach to the fusion of partially coinciding alarms from asynchronous or specialized detectors
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The accurate detection of a diverse set of targets often requires the use of multiple sensor modalities and algorithms. Fusion approaches can be used to combine information from multiple sensors or detectors. But typical fusion approaches are not suitable when detectors do not operate on all of the same locations of interest, or when detectors are specialized to detect disjoint sets of target types. Run Packing is an algorithm we developed previously to optimally combine detectors when their output never coincides, which can be expected when the detectors are specialized to detect different target types. But when asynchronous detectors sometimes coincide, or specialized detectors sometimes detect the same target, Run Packing ignores this coincidence information and thus may be suboptimal in certain cases. In this paper, we show how multi-detector fusion involving partially­ coinciding alarms can be re-framed as an equivalent fusion problem that is optimally addressed by Run Packing. This amounts to a hierarchical or hybrid approach involving fusion methods to join coinciding alarms at the same location into a single unified alarm and then using Run Packing to optimally fuse the resulting set of non­ coinciding alarms. We report preliminary results of applying the method in a few typical landmine detection scenarios to demonstrate its potential utility.
© (2014) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Brandon Smock, Joseph Wilson, and Taylor Glenn "A hybrid approach to the fusion of partially coinciding alarms from asynchronous or specialized detectors", Proc. SPIE 9091, Signal Processing, Sensor/Information Fusion, and Target Recognition XXIII, 90911D (20 June 2014);
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Target detection

Detection and tracking algorithms

Land mines

Algorithm development

Analytical research


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