26 September 2016 Center for Semiconductor Materials and Device Modeling: expanding collaborative research opportunities between government, academia, and industry
Philip Perconti, Sarah S. Bedair, Jagmohan Bajaj, Jonathan Schuster, Meredith Reed
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To increase Soldier readiness and enhance situational understanding in ever-changing and complex environments, there is a need for rapid development and deployment of Army technologies utilizing sensors, photonics, and electronics. Fundamental aspects of these technologies include the research and development of semiconductor materials and devices which are ubiquitous in numerous applications. Since many Army technologies are considered niche, there is a lack of significant industry investment in the fundamental research and understanding of semiconductor technologies relevant to the Army. To address this issue, the US Army Research Laboratory is establishing a Center for Semiconductor Materials and Device Modeling and seeks to leverage expertise and resources across academia, government and industry. Several key research areas—highlighted and addressed in this paper—have been identified by ARL and external partners and will be pursued in a collaborative fashion by this Center. This paper will also address the mechanisms by which the Center is being established and will operate.
© (2016) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Philip Perconti, Sarah S. Bedair, Jagmohan Bajaj, Jonathan Schuster, and Meredith Reed "Center for Semiconductor Materials and Device Modeling: expanding collaborative research opportunities between government, academia, and industry", Proc. SPIE 9933, Optical Sensing, Imaging, and Photon Counting: Nanostructured Devices and Applications 2016, 993308 (26 September 2016);
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Modulation transfer functions

Instrument modeling

Semiconductor materials

3D modeling


Laser sintering


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