4 October 2024 Electrically controlled all-antiferromagnetic tunnel junctions on silicon with large room-temperature magnetoresistance
Pedram Khalili
Author Affiliations +
Proceedings Volume PC13119, Spintronics XVII; PC131192A (2024)
Event: Nanoscience + Engineering, 2024, San Diego, California, United States
Antiferromagnetic (AFM) materials are a pathway to spintronic memory and computing devices with unprecedented speed, energy efficiency, and bit density [1-3]. Realizing this potential requires AFM devices with simultaneous electrical writing and reading of information, which are also compatible with established silicon-based manufacturing. Recent experiments have shown tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) readout in epitaxial AFM tunnel junctions. However, these TMR structures were not grown using a silicon-compatible deposition process, and controlling their AFM order required external magnetic fields. Here we show three-terminal AFM tunnel junctions based on the noncollinear antiferromagnet PtMn3, sputter-deposited on silicon [1]. The devices simultaneously exhibit electrical switching using current-induced torque, and electrical readout by a room-temperature TMR effect as large as 110%. [1] J. Shi, S. Arpaci et al., arXiv:2311.13828 (2023) [2] S. Arpaci, V. Lopez-Dominguez et al., Nature Communications 12, 4555 (2021) [3] J. Shi, V. Lopez-Dominguez et al., Nature Electronics 3, 92 (2020)
Conference Presentation
© (2024) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Pedram Khalili "Electrically controlled all-antiferromagnetic tunnel junctions on silicon with large room-temperature magnetoresistance", Proc. SPIE PC13119, Spintronics XVII, PC131192A (4 October 2024);

Atomic force microscopy

Deposition processes

Energy efficiency




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