As semiconductor technology continues to evolve, the demand for advanced lithography techniques to meet the industry's requirements becomes crucial. High Numerical Aperture (NA) EUV lithography has emerged as a promising solution for realizing sub-10 nm node designs. However, realizing the full potential of high NA EUV lithography requires holistic efforts to improve the entire patterning process and deliver enhanced performance. This study shares the latest coater/developer development efforts focused on improving high NA EUV patterning performance. These advancements encompass the development of process optimizations, collectively geared towards enabling high-resolution, high-throughput, and defect-free patterning. The latest performance for both chemically amplified resists and metal oxide resists will be introduced, with a focus on defect mitigation, pattern collapse prevention and critical dimensions stability for pitch 24 nm line and space, pitch 32 nm contact hole and pillar pattern with single exposure. This result ensures the successful implementation of high NA EUV lithography for future technology nodes and beyond.